Employment Services Program
The Employment Services Program focuses on providing one to one employment counselling and consulting to individuals. The program offers a number of supports and employment preparedness classes based upon the needs of the individuals as well as group activities that are focused on attaining and sustaining employment.
The Employment Services Program assists individuals address potential employment barriers creating achievable individualized actions plans, developing fundamental workplace skills, applying personal marketing tools such as resumes, cover letters, etc., and navigating the job search process.
If this program would benefit you or someone you know, the referral process is open. The program will accept government, community and self-referrals.
For more information, please contact tel:(306) 757-7452" or email: info@ssilc.ca.
The Employment Services Program offers the following free Employability Workshops, several times per year:
Employment Skills Assessment
A 4 day (half days) class based on the ColourSpectrums model will assist participants identify their skills and find potential job matches.
Self-Management for Work
A 3 day (half days) class will teach people how to make choices, set realistic goals and make a plan for employment.
Employability Skills
A 1 week (half days) class will help people identify and gain skills necessary for employment.
Job Finding Club
The Job Finding Club will focus participants on learning and applying practical job search and interview skills (using the Nathan Azrin method).
How to apply or for more information: Contact (306) 757-7452 or email: info@ssilc.ca. You may be required to complete an intake which will include completing the Government of Saskatchewan, Labour Market Services Registration form, action plan, and referral to a SSILC counselor. This program is supported by: