Ftsum’s Story

Ftsum was a referral from Regina Open Doors Society, he was opened to ESRP on February 6, 2023.

Ftsum is in the Work/Job Search and Skills Enhancement Employability Dimensions. Ftsum is currently taking English classes in the evening through RODS, and throughout the day he is actively looking for work and applying to positions with the support of his SSILC Employment Facilitator.

Ftsum is flexible in his job search and is primarily applying to general labour jobs, construction work and catering positions. Ftsum accessed the Participant Support Fund, to cover the cost of Forklift training, as well as SCOTs training, both certifications have enhanced Ftsum’s qualifications for construction and general labour jobs.

ESRP supported Ftsum in creating a professional cover letter and introduced him to applying to jobs online. Through this support Ftsum has been called for 2 interviews, one of which he secured a part-time casual position as a Parking Attendant at REAL, where he will manage the parking and traffic operations for events held at REAL.

Ftsum reported he was experiencing pain from a tooth. He was unfamiliar with dentist services and did not have dental coverage. We called SaskPolytech Dentist Clinic as they provide discounted services. Ftsum was put on the cancellation list. Later that day, Ftsum found the confidence to call another dentist on his own. He had his tooth removed and was grateful for the support he received from his employment facilitator.